• +971-4531406   info@ethraa.ae


Professional guidance and coordination

Farsighted vision - Educational guidance in light of the skills of the 21st century. Emirate Experiment. 2 - Farsighted vision - professional development of teachers in the light of the 21st century. Emirati Experiment.
Farsighted vision - professional development of teachers in the light of the 21st century. Emirate Experiment.
Farsighted vision - educational sociology in light of the skills of the 21st century. Emirate Experiment
Farsighted vision - curricula educational planning l in light of the skills of 21st century. Emirate Experiment.
Farsighted vision - the psychology of teaching and learning in light of the skills of the 21st century. Emirati Experiment.
Farsighted vision - assessment and educational statistics in light of the skills of the 21st century. Emirati Experiment.
Farsighted vision - Modern teaching methods in light of the skills of the 21st century. Emirati Experiment.